Daily Archives: June 13, 2012

Do your children have the ‘moral mustard’ – Part 2

When you last visited, my precious Ipod Touch had been reduced to ‘garbage’ and was located here….

Mom left the room and banished me to my room to think about things.  I glanced over to Katie sitting in shock and awe realizing that Mom had thrown away my life.

Yes, my life! 

My music, my games, my entertainment, my GPS, my dictionary, books I was reading on it and more!  My life!  I sat wondering how this all went so wrong.  Mom mentioned something about my attitude and that if I couldn’t throw it away easily, it might be an idol.


“Surely not” I thought to myself, but i was devastated by what Mom had done.  It didn’t seem fair and I felt crushed.  In fact I was down right MAD at her.

“How dare her throw away my object?

“She doesn’t have the right!”

“I’m going to talk to Dad when he gets home from his business trip.”

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do!  And for a brief moment I felt better… but suddenly it dawned on me that Dad wouldn’t be back for at least three more days…. and sometime in there the garbage would be taken to the street.

Noooooooooooooo!  This is just not fair!

My mind continued to return to what my Mom had said. “Sam, if you can’t easily throw that object away it just might be an IDOL in your life.” 

I spent the afternoon distracting myself with Legos.  I turned on my CD player and listened to music convinced that Mom was wrong and I was RIGHT, but I still hadn’t come up with a plan to rescue my Ipod, and the garbage can was getting fuller and fuller every hour.

As soon as I was engaged in an activity, my mind wandered back again to my Mom’s statement, “Sam, if you can’t easily throw that object away it just might be an IDOL in your life.” 

An IDOL?  Not the kind that sings on the American Idol show, but the kind where you bow down and worship.  Like this guy…

An IDOL! An IDOL? an idol.

As I sat on the edge of the bed and I had to admit, for the first time, that I did worship my Ipod Touch.

  • I did think the world of it.
  • I did honor it with all my spare time.
  • And, more importantly, I was attached to it, probably way more than I should have been.

If I honestly looked at the situation  I do worship my Ipod!

Staring at the floor I gently closed my eyes and prayed.  I was wrong and I asked God to forgive me for placing an item above my relationship with Him, my mother, my sister and my schoolwork.

I found Mom and asked if we could talk and I shared my feelings.  When Mom and Dad bought me the Ipod Touch I felt invincible. I thought I had my parents wrapped around my finger and that I could do or say anything I wanted.  I thought too highly of myself, and I thought too highly of my Ipod Touch.  I realized that I had plugged myself in to a world of never-ending news, music, and entertainment.  I apologized and told Mom that I was glad she got my attention for I felt lost, but free…

I want to worship only one thing- God!

Signing off,


P.S.  Our Bali episode is about Idols.  Do your children know the truth about idols: find out here….


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Fashion: what are these girls thinking?

Okay, so being a BOY has plenty of downsides:

  1. Responsible for an entire family’s well-being. (emotional, spiritual, monetary)
  2. Work, work, work
  3. Shaving everyday!
  4. Driving to work everyday
  5. Did I mention being responsible for my wife and my children and being a good provider?

But being a GIRL is just so ridiculous:

  1. Being responsible for children
  2. Cooking and cleaning
  3. taking care of the BOYS… and
  4. FASHION….

What on earth are these girls thinking?  My wife will NEVER be interested in this….

Fashion nightmares

What? No, really. What?

And yes, someone somewhere looked at that outfit and thought to themselves, “That’s cool!”


Signing off,


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Posted by on June 13, 2012 in Samuel L. Collins