Daily Archives: June 20, 2012

Geocaching with Sam: Can you find it?

Geocaching is fun!  Finding treasure is funnier!  and sometimes the clues are… (well, you decide)

Here was the clue to this cache:

If you can’t find this one, Geocaching might not be for you!

So, let’s take a look: can you find it?

Yup, sometimes they are just that easy!

Go geocaching!




“The boys were thrilled by Samuel’s “cool” gadget watch…”- Mom

Lisa Marie Fletcher and Titus 2 blog review

I recently was offered the opportunity to review some videos for a fun new family movie series called Samuel L. Collins and the Search for Biblical Truths.

This month, I’m sharing our review of their first movie – Samuel L Collins in Singapore. Next month, we’ll check out the adventure in Bali.

Samuel L. Collins and the Search for Biblical Truths - Singapore episode

Samuel L. Collins and the Search for Biblical Truths – Singapore episode

Samuel L Collins’ series is designed for families (especially boys, I think), obviously modelled off the idea of Indiana Jones and the idea of making learning Bible Truths into an adventure quest.

When the box arrived with our videos, I showed them to the boys and thought that we would wait to watch them on the weekend. The kids, apparently, had other ideas and before I knew it – the 4 of us were snuggled on the couch eagerly starting the video.

In this first video, Samuel is a secret agent and his family are called to Singapore, where Samuel finds some money dropped by a lady walking down the street and then is sent on a mission to learn more about integrity and treasures.

What I really liked about this movie is that although the title would lead you to believe that Samuel is the only one on the adventure – it actually is a whole family activity. His sister, Katie, is an active part of the search and helps Samuel complete his challenges. I like that it takes something as simple as a Bible verse and makes it exciting and special. The special digital effects were really well-done.

The boys were thrilled by Samuel’s “cool” gadget watch, and as the story progressed, were eager to participate in the challenges of deciphering codes. Samuel has to use his GPS to find the geobox, an activity that we love doing too – geocaching (aka “Treasure Hunting”).

It was a nice treat to have a live-action movie for Christian values that my kids would sit through and enjoy! We are going to watch it a few more times this week, I’m sure!

Wow!  Thanks Mrs. Fletcher for the awesome review!

Gotta run,
